Technology and innovation – revolutionising real estate

We’ve always strived to find ways of doing things better, continually seeking new ideas, technologies and ways of working.

Exploring new technologies

Much of our innovation work focuses on gathering and analysing high-quality data to enable us and our clients to make more informed decisions. As surveyors, engineers and consultants we need the best possible information to formulate comprehensive and accurate reports. To help us do so we are now using or exploring a range of technologies including:

  • Drones – to collect high-resolution imagery of external and internal building elements over larger areas in a more accurate, cost-effective, and safer way
  • Photogrammetry – to enable highly detailed models of buildings to be generated, allowing greater understanding of issues and problem-solving
  • H360 virtual tour – using our own software, H360, we can provide virtual tours of a property to provide immediate access to onsite information
  • Virtual due diligence – combining our cutting-edge H360 technology with our market-leading technical due diligence (TDD) expertise, this bespoke digital package provides a simple and accessible way to carry out building due diligence from a distance
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS), gaming engines and virtual reality – these solutions coupled with IoT sensors start to form the basis of useful digital twins
  • SLAM (Serial localisation and mapping) technologies – we continue to investigate and trial this technology for the rapid and accurate data capture of buildings

By its very nature innovation never stands still, so there are many new initiatives in the pipeline that we’ll continue to explore to drive the industry forwards.

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Tom Willcock

Chief Operating Officer
Management board

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